Helpful tips for Cherokee Village Arkansas Guests from King-Rhodes Rentals in Cherokee Village Arkansas
Cherokee Village Arkansas is a private community. Use of all village amenities is restricted to owners and guests. This includes all lakes, golf courses, and any other amenities. If you stay overnight in one of our nightly vacation homes, you will have access to these amenities as our guest.
All guests will be required to notify our office of all guests' names and ages prior to check-in so we can acquire the necessary SID (Suburban Improvement District) guest cards. We can provide you with a form to list names of people who will be staying in your unit.
If you plan to bring a boat, you must purchase a boat sticker from the SID office. To obtain the sticker you must provide a current boat registration and proof of insurance. Boats with motors 50 horsepower or more require proof of insurance. The names on both of the documents must be the same name as at least one of the guests staying in the unit. If you are arriving on a Saturday or a Sunday, you may notify us in advance by faxing us the information to 1-870-257-2321 so the stickers can be ready when you arrive. The cost for a 14 day temporary sticker is $20.00 and payment must be made in advance by check or credit card.
You will not be allowed on the lakes without a valid boat sticker.
If you have any questions or if we can help you in any way, please feel free to call us at 1-800-331-5896 or 1-870-257-3258. We thank you for your business and hope this information helps you to make your visit to Cherokee Village an enjoyable and memorable one.
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